Nov 03,2021 Total Views : 605
What is Domain and How to Get a Domain for yourself?
If someone has to send you anything, can you send them your address?
Yes of course because you live somewhere and you have a specific address.
So similarly, web hosting is like the digital house of your website where all the contents will live and the domain name will be the specific address of that house.
Yes in the technical terms domain name is a specific address of a website, which will be active on the internet for everyone and anyone can browse on the internet and will directly arrive on your website.
It has mainly four major factors to consider:
What is HTTPS: It is recognized as a hypertext transfer protocol which will guarantee the secure transmission of all network files if your files are un-secured then it will be shown under HTTP only.
What is WWW: It is known for the worldwide web, few websites prefer to use it and some not as in my case in blogging, I am not using www but no matter you use it or not you will automatically redirect to the same page.
What is your website? example: It is the name of your website as in our case I have used but in your case, it could be different like Xyz, ABC, and Google's case it is
What is?com: It is identified as the Universal top-level domain, which is the key measure in the selection of any domain and is also recognized as an addition for your domain URL. We will explain more.
Do you understand how many types of domain extensions are available and which one you should buy?
Types of Domain Name?
Domain names will be distinguished based on the extension they are using and this will provide an idea to read or Google, what is your website all about.
Hence it has been classified into two types
gTLD Domain Names: gTLD stands for Generic top-level domain, which is often used by mostly website holders, and in this list, you may have learned about it.
.com: The oldest domain extension is generally used for commercial purposes and is mostly recommended by everyone.
.org: This extension Only suits you well only if you are thinking of starting a blog for a donation or govt organization.
.net: this extension is suggested only for networking businesses like communication and others.
Above are some of the most common examples as in this we have a lot of countless others like freshly Google has started .new and a few others already live like .xyz,.tech, etc.
ccTLD Domain Names: the term ccTLD stands for country code top-level domain and such domain is often used by any website owner if the site is targeting any country or territory audience.
.in: This extension is referring to country INDIA and is mainly utilized simply to target the Indian audience only.
.us: This extension is referring to the USA and is used only to target especially the USA audience.
.co: This extension is referring to the country Columbia and is used simply to target the Columbian audience only.
If your website or business is all around the country-specific readers then my recommendation is to use the ccTLD domain only, else more suitable to go with the gTLD domain name.
How to Buy a Domain Name?
When it comes to Domain name, you won't need to worry about performance and all like others were during web hosting.
Almost each and every registrar is offering an identical service and also close to similar prices but the only variation is while you plan to renew your website domain name.